Here are the latest Salmon Arm RCMP Crime Chronicals:
11th Ave NE: At 2pm a Salmon Arm RCMP member observed a known prohibited driver, driving a grey Toyota Corolla along 11th Ave NE. A traffic stop was initiated, and the driver admitted he was prohibited from driving. Police confirmed the driver’s prohibition. The vehicle was impounded for a mandatory 7 days, and the driver was served a future court date for driving while prohibited.
100 block Trans Canada Hwy: At 9am a store employee reported a man shoplifting. The employee reported she was familiar with the man from prior thefts. The man went right to the ice cream display and began gathering multiple ice cream products. The employee told the man to put the items back. As she approached him, he pushed her out of the way so he could exit the store, and hit her on the head with one of the ice cream products. Police attended and viewed video footage and were able to identify the man. Salmon Arm RCMP obtained charge approval for 1 count assault, 1 count utter threat, and 1 count theft against 39-year-old Tyler Chamberlain. Tyler Chamberlain was located and arrested on January 15, 2025, where he was held for a bail hearing, and a judge remanded him in custody.
Ross St: At 9am a local business employee reported an attempted fraud using stolen credit cards. The employee reported two men entered the store and compiled several items to purchase. The men then told the cashier that their boss would call with a credit card number to charge for the items. The men provided a credit card number which was declined by the machine, and the men departed without the items.
Salmon Arm RCMP are advising all local businesses to be aware of this tactic for using stolen credit cards, and to follow proper policy and procedures for accepting credit card payment.
3000 block Trans Canada Hwy: At 2pm Salmon Arm RCMP were on patrol east bound on Hwy 1 and observed a blue Ford F-150 travelling west bound on Hwy 1 and a high rate of speed. Police radar confirmed the truck to be travelling at 143km/h in a post 90km/h zone. The officer safely pulled over, turned around and engaged in a traffic stop with the vehicle. The 23-year-old male driver was issued a violation ticket for excessive speed in the amount of $368, and the truck was impounded for a mandatory 7 days. The matter was referred to RoadSafetyBC.
Salmon Arm: At 4pm a 59-year-old woman called Salmon Arm RCMP and reported that her 64-year-old brother was threatening to throw her in the nuthouse if she didn’t start contributing to the household and paying her share of the bills. The woman explained that she and her brother both own the property they live at, but the brother was convinced the sister wasn’t paying any of the bills. The woman reported she was paying her portion. There was no criminal offence, but police spoke with the brother to ensure the two could try to sort their issues out civilly before anyone tried to send the other to the nuthouse.
4th St SE: At 1am a woman called reported her husband had run away from the house severely drunk, and was worried about his safety due to the cold temperatures as he was only wearing pyjamas. While speaking with the wife, police could hear the sound slippers down the road, and observed a dark figure duck into a multi-unit complex. Police made a foot patrol down the road, and could see the 27-year-old man attempting to hide behind a narrow tree. The man was obviously intoxicated, smelled of alcohol, was staggering while walking, and admitted to drinking a lot of vodka. Police advised the man to return home, but after several attempts the man continued to refuse to go home. Unable and unwilling to slip away from his bad decisions, the man was arrested for being intoxicated in a public place. He found himself a new place to sleep for the night, in cells to safely sober up. The man was also issued a violation ticket for being intoxicated in public place in the amount of $115.