CRIS (Community Recreational Initiatives Society) held its 6th annual polar bear dip, lovingly coined as “Freezin For A Reason” on January 1 down at Tugboat Bay. It was quite the spectacle as was proven by over 2000 people were there just to cheer on the brave souls, young and old. Tugboat Bay/Beach was packed with onlookers and dippers alike rounding out the total people standing out in the sunshine at about 2500. This is almost 1000 more than last year. Families, workmates, newlyweds, pensioners and vacationers, they were all there to ring in the new year doing something different!
One dipper has done it every year with many first timers sharing the sand waiting for the countdown and the signal to GO! From age 4 to 82, they were all part of a great day out in the sun to raise funds for CRIS Adaptive Adventures; raising funds to support our charitable efforts to get people with physical and cognitive disabilities outdoors and involved in physical activities to promote positive mental health as well as physical wellbeing. Thank you to everyone who participated, contributed and came out to witness the human spirit. CRIS is leaving the donation page open until the weekend for those that still wish to contribute.
“We are so grateful for the community support for this annual event and for CRIS programs,” states Shelley Buchanan Gilmore, CEO & General Manager for CRIS, “the outpouring of support for the charity and its efforts to support people with disabilities to get outside and include them in activities such as hiking, cycling, and kayaking has been amazing” she adds, “ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity to fully participate in their community is one aspect toward of a healthier community but the positive physical and mental health benefits for the participant is almost priceless.”
CRIS (Community Recreational Initiatives Society) was founded in 2001 providing outdoor pursuits for people with disabilities. Supporting an inclusive and accessible community through outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking, kayaking, climbing, snow shoeing and cross-country skiing. Serving the Okanagan Valley, CRIS has scheduled programming daily. Serving participants and families with physical or cognitive impairment, customizing equipment to make any dream a reality.