Thieves used a stolen vehicle from Kelowna in an effort to evade the Vernon RCMP.
Sadly for them, it didn't work.
A 35 year-old man and a 32 year-old woman were taken into police custody when the vehicle, stolen back on July 20th, was spotted this morning up Silver Star Road.
With the assistance of the RCMP Air Services Helicopter, the suspects were eventually tracked down in the parking lot of Silver Star Mountain Resort.
This is another example of the great work done by our officers here at the Vernon North Okanagan RCMP in conjunction with the RCMP Air Services unit", aid Constable Kelly Brett. The Air Services unit was able to safely track the alleged stolen vehicle for the officers on the ground and pin point their exact location, leading to the successful arrest of both suspects.
Both face charges of stolen property, theft over 5 thousand dollars, dangerous driving and attempting to flee the police.