When they’re not standing around looking beautiful, trees help moderate temperature, provide shade and purify our air. Get your hands on one with NeighbourWoods.
The popular residential planting initiative developed to encourage citizens to help grow and preserve Kelowna’s urban forest is returning to give residents another opportunity to get a new tree for their yard at a reduced rate. Trees are available for pre-order starting Tuesday, Aug. 27 until Sept. 17, or until they are sold out.
Kelowna residents can purchase one of eight tree varieties at a cost of $50 + GST. This year’s varieties include the Bur Oak, Ginko Maidenhair, Greenspire Linden, Hot Wings® Tatarian Maple, Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac, Northern Acclaim Honeylocust, Ohio Buckeye and the Sugar Maple. There is a limited number of trees per species available for purchase and the first 200 purchases receive a free Gatorbag (watering bag) included with their tree. Please note that trees are restricted to one per household per year due to demand.
“We always look forward to delivering the NeighbourWoods program each year, and with over 7,500 trees sold since the start of the program, we know that residents look forward to it too,” said Todd Cashin, Urban Forestry Supervisor. “When trees are ready for pick up at the end of September, it will be the perfect time to plant trees in our region. We hope residents will join us in purchasing one of these beautiful trees at a great discount and, at the same time, helping to increase our urban tree canopy.”
Ordering a NeighbourWoods tree is easy:
The NeighbourWoods pick-up event will depend on the tree variety purchased and will either be Sept. 25, 26 or 27. Residents can pick-up their tree on their tree’s respective pick-up date between 12 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at the Mission Recreation Park Arboretum, 4105 Gordon Drive. Please bring your receipt (if applicable), proof of residency and a vehicle that’s appropriate for transporting a tree.
Planting a tree isn’t the only way to support Kelowna’s urban forest. The hot, dry days of summer are hard on trees, especially new ones. If you notice a thirsty tree in your neighbourhood, please help it through the season by watering it. It will pay you back with years of fresh air and shade. A five-gallon pail once or twice a week is the perfect amount.
For more information about the NeighbourWoods program, visit kelowna.ca/neighbourwoods.