Hundreds of University of British Columbia students and faculty walked out of class on Thursday to join the Global Climate Strike.
Vice Chancellor Dr. Deborah Buzzard spoke to the crowd of hundreds.
She said it is crucial that everyone be mindful of their impact.
“Many of you may be working on areas of political interest where you can make change; perhaps you're working on advance technologies. Whatever you are going to be doing, do it with sustainability and our planet in mind is the trick.”
Ali Poostizadeh is the Vice President of Campus Life.
He said we're at a point where leaders are acting like children and children are stepping up.
“You being here, advocating for this issue, voting for candidates who commit to protecting our environment, writing letters to your members of parliament and putting pressure on your leaders is how we are going to secure a future for humanity,” said Poostizadeh.
He urged his peers to vote, reminding them the government who wins will lead Canada through four of the 11 years we have to reverse climate change.
Third year undergrad student, Maya Omestead spoke about the importance of this election.
She said we need to vote out politicians who won’t enact aggressive planet protection laws.
“Vote for people, not parties. Fill your government with people who care about people, the humanity that is living today and the societies and cultures of the future.”
Millions of people around the world marched on Friday to encourage leaders to take climate action.