Press release from the United Way Southern Interior BC and the Central Okanagan Foundation on May 28, 2020:
A local partnership between the Central Okanagan Foundation (COF) and United Way Southern Interior BC (UWSIBC), has granted $121,919 from their COVID-19 Response and Relief Funds to charities directly dealing with the crisis in the Central Okanagan. After the pandemic was declared, both organizations jumped into action to launch a funding appeal knowing that a collective response would provide a more substantial impact.
“After reaching out to community and charity partners, we discovered that many were experiencing dire circumstances and needed help immediately,” says Kahir Lalji, Executive Director of United Way SIBC. “Heartfelt thanks to the many donors who’ve contributed to the Relief Fund, and to all those who continue to provide essential front-line social and community service during the pandemic.”
After launching a combined application, the group expedited the grant review process and came to an agreement on the most pressing charities and causes to fund in the first phase of allocations. These include essential supplies for families in need, support for vulnerable women and individuals facing isolation mental health supports, technology upgrades and program adaptations so organizations can adhere to physical distancing requirements while continuing to serve their clients safely.
David Knapp, Executive Director at Central Okanagan Foundation adds, “From the outset, the COF Board was hugely supportive of this fast, collaborative approach, and we are grateful for the ongoing support & generosity of our corporate and individual donors for responding quickly to the need. We are proud to do our part in supporting the extraordinary organizations who do so much for our community every day, but especially now when they are facing seemingly insurmountable challenges with courage and creativity.”
Funding has been approved for the following Central Okanagan agencies:
CMHA Kelowna Branch
Community Recreational Initiatives Society
Connect Counselling
Central Okanagan Elizabeth Fry Society
Habitat for Humanity
Kelowna Gospel Mission Dental Clinic
Kelowna Community Resources
Lake Country Health Planning Society
Mamas for Mamas
Seniors Outreach Services Society
The Salvation Army Kelowna
Funded in part by the Government of Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program.
In addition, the Government of Canada launched the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) in partnership with United Way Centraide Canada, Community Foundations of Canada and the Canadian Red Cross. Each organization is offering funding based on their unique criteria but all grants are intended to support the most vulnerable affected by the pandemic in our communities. Eligible applicants are encouraged to apply.
The United Way ECSF applications are being accepted from registered charities and other qualified donees until June 26, 2020 with allocations announced in July:
Central Okanagan Foundation applications are being accepted until July 27, 2020 on the national portal:
To learn more about the community efforts to support the charitable sector during COVID-19, please visit each of our websites:
Central Okanagan Foundation:
United Way Southern Interior BC:
United Way SIBC combined media release (all regions):