The 2023 Cops for Kids Charitable Foundation Ride, presented by the Thomas Alan Budd Foundation, wrapped up Sunday as 24 riders and support crew from RCMP, BC Sheriff Service and BC Corrections within South East District returned to Kelowna. The team completed their signature event of 10 days cycling, circumnavigating the southeastern part of the province to raise funds and awareness for local children in need.
The team left Kelowna last Friday September 8th cycling through the South Okanagan, Kootenays and Thompson region before their final push from Vernon this morning. Over the 10 days, the team was faced with many challenges including long days, hot weather and steep climbs. The first challenge the team overcame was to divert their route around the rock slide blocking Hwy 97 between Peachland and Summerland. Then, the team did not get a reprieve from the unseasonably hot weather.
It’s not an easy feat to cycle these long distances day after day with the sun beating down on us, but we kept hydrated and got shade where we could says Ride Captain retired Staff Sergeant Major Julio Krenz. Some of our rider got some bumps and bruises; most of the riders have aches and pains, but they’re still smiling, and they’ll head back to their duties tomorrow after a well-deserved rest in their own beds tonight.
The team visited 26 different communities over the 10 days and were greeted with fantastic community support along the way. At the half way point of the ride, Cranbrook hosted a very successful Jail and Bail event that Cops of Kids support crew were able to participate with to help raise funds needed for the children.
It is that great community support and meeting with children we have helped along the way that keeps us coming back says Corporal Tania Finn with Cops for Kids. We have many return riders that are very passionate about this cause and, when we ride into town to cheers and smiles, it makes it all worthwhile.
While the signature event is over for this year, the organization is accepting donations through-out the year to support the ongoing requests from families. With an overwhelming number of requests already, they’re hoping to continue raising funds in order to meet the demand. Visit to donate or to learn more about the charitable foundation.