The Regional District Waste Reduction Ambassadors are back on the streets this spring and summer, connecting with residents, providing education and randomly checking what’s under the blue lid inside curbside recycling carts. The purpose of the program is to reduce recycling contamination by engaging with residents and promoting good recycling habits.
The Regional District Waste Reduction Ambassadors are back on the streets this spring and summer, connecting with residents, providing education and randomly checking what’s under the blue lid inside curbside recycling carts. The purpose of the program is to reduce recycling contamination by engaging with residents and promoting good recycling habits.
The Cart Checking Program, now heading into its sixth season, aims to help raise awareness about proper residential recycling. Through the spring and summer, the Ambassadors will be reaching out to residents in all communities in the Central Okanagan through direct education and curbside cart checks.
“We’re focusing our education and outreach efforts this year with a ‘Know Before You Throw’ motto,” says Cynthia Coates, Solid Waste Services Supervisor. “Most residents have the best intentions when it comes to recycling and are doing a good job including only what’s acceptable in the carts. That said, recycling audits regularly show there are still a substantial number of unacceptable items going into our recycling stream. If we don’t significantly reduce and eliminate these unacceptable products from our recycling loads, we face financial penalties from Recycle BC.”
Waste Reduction Ambassadors will have a look at the contents in recycling carts, and if they find items that don’t belong, they’ll leave an information card and place a handy yellow reference sticker right on the cart to highlight what goes in, and what stays out. In some cases, if there is significant contamination, carts won’t be picked up until the unaccepted material is removed. In the case of repeated instances of significant contamination, fines may be issued up to $150.00 per offence.
The following is a list of items that don’t belong in your cart:
To find out more about what to recycle in your curbside cart or at a depot, download the free Recycle Coach App, check out the online plug-in at, visit one of the many pop-up recycling depots in Peachland or Lake Country or call the Regional Waste Reduction Office at 250-469-6250. Recycling decals for your cart are also available at all municipal halls.