For the second consecutive year, the City of Kelowna has received Level 3 recognition from the Provincial Union of B.C. Municipalities Green Communities Committee Climate Action Recognition Program for commitments toward addressing climate change issues in our community.
“The City has done a lot of great work to help reduce emissions and prepare the community for climate change,” said Tracy Guidi, City of Kelowna Sustainable Coordinator. “But we still have a long way to go to deliver on Imagine Kelowna’s goals and Council’s Priorities to take action and be resilient in the face of climate change.”
A Level 3 designation is awarded to local governments for accelerating progress on B.C. Climate Action Charter commitments.
The City’s 2018 Community Climate Action Plan and Corporate Energy and GHG Emissions Plan provide the direction to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Some of the exciting initiatives undertaken that deliver on these plans include:
“We know that the two biggest contributors to GHG emissions in Kelowna are on-road transportation and buildings,” said Guidi. “Climate change is happening now and affects everyone, and while the City is taking steps to make a difference, successfully reducing emissions requires the public to take an active role in impacting real change.”
While a growing community and motivating behaviour change present challenges, there are ways residents can contribute to sustainability through daily climate-friendly actions and choices:
Cities play an essential role in modifying and influencing emission reductions through land use planning, transportation options, building requirements and waste services. Residents can provide their input on how our community grows and moves by participating in the upcoming hands-on, family-friendly Official Community Plan (OCP) and Transportation Master Plan (TMP) expos.
“Where and how our community grows can have a significant impact on our emissions and also our ability to adapt to the havoc climate change causes. For example, focusing new housing in urban centres, makes it easy for residents to live, work and access amenities within walking and biking distance, thereby reducing emissions but also improving energy efficiency and quality of life,” said Guidi.
Upcoming Kelowna 2040 expos:
Wednesday, Sept. 25
Capital News Centre, 4105 Gordon Drive
3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 28
Orchard Park Mall, 2271 Harvey Avenue
9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Residents unable to attend an expo in person can give feedback online now until Oct. 4 at
For more information about ongoing City initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change visit