Council receives update on City Hall/Library Building project
Staff informed Council that West Kelowna’s first purpose-built City Hall/Library Building, at 3731 Old Okanagan Highway, remains on track with the target of reaching substantial completion in mid-February. Significant progress has been made since the last update on Nov. 14, including BC Hydro having now provided power to the site and construction expected to continue steadily for the next several weeks, including evenings and weekends, except for four days over Christmas. In the New Year, staff will provide more information on how services will be phased over to the new City Hall to centralize operations with as little impact to customers as possible. Learn more at
Mount Boucherie Community Centre update
An update on options for Council’s consideration to convert the Mt. Boucherie Community Centre back to recreational, cultural, and childcare uses has been deferred to the Jan. 23 meeting to give staff more time to explore additional grant funding, programming, and facility options.
Next steps taken in creation of West Kelowna Economic Development Corporation
Council authorized staff to proceed with the next steps required to incorporate the West Kelowna Economic Development Corporation. Coun. Tasha Da Silva and Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Trevor Seibel were appointed as the first directors who will serve on an interim basis to facilitate the necessary incorporation processes, including working with a consultant to create the required policies and procedures, and establish the first board and reporting structure. They will also work with the board to hire their first Chief Executive Officer to run the corporation’s day-to-day operations.
Short Term Accommodation regulations being revised
Council deferred first and second readings of Zoning and other bylaw amendments aimed at updating Short Term Accommodation Regulations, that would align them with new provincial laws and revise application procedures, operational requirements, fee structures and offence ticketing. Other simultaneous updates would also occur to the Business Licensing and Regulations, Ticket Information Utilization, Bylaw Notice Enforcement and Fees and Charges Bylaws. Under incoming provincial regulations, only an owner-operated short-term rental will be permitted, on an owner-occupied property, in a single-detached dwelling.
Zoning Bylaw amendment in West Kelowna Estates adopted
Council gave third reading and adoption to a Zoning Bylaw amendment at 1018 West Kelowna Road to permit construction of a modular carriage house in a single-family, detached residential zone on a parcel less than 1,100 square metres.
Public hearing to be held regarding mobile home park rezoning proposal
Council gave first and second readings and directed staff to schedule a public hearing for a proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment that, if adopted, would change the zoning at 2355 Marshall Road from Manufactured Home Park to Light Industrial. The mobile home park consists of 27 manufactured home pads and one house.
Zoning amendment proposed in the Bear Creek/Westside Road neighbourhood
Council gave first and second readings to a Zoning Bylaw amendment that, if adopted, would rezone the upper 1.78 hectares of a 23-hectare property at 1179 Westside Road from Agricultural to Single Detached Residential to subdivide the applicable section into 15 lots.
First Corporate Climate Action Plan supported
Council endorsed the City’s first Corporate Climate Action Plan. Read the plan online at