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Warriors Junior Hockey lease agreement amendment signed
Council signed lease agreement amendments with JMRH Hockey Development (West Kelowna Warriors) to operate at the Mount Boucherie Recreation Complex, where the lease payment for the agreement will increase by $12,000 per year, or $1,000 per month, which began on Sept. 1, 2024.
Firefighters’ National Memorial Day
Sept. 8, 2024 was Firefighters’ National Memorial Day. It commemorates those who have died in the line of duty and recognizes the many contributions that firefighters make to our communities. Council expressed sympathy to the loved ones of Morgan Kitchen, who was killed while fighting the Jasper Wildfire and remembered West Kelowna Fire Rescue Captain Troy Russell, who we lost to workplace-related cancer in 2018.
2024 Music in the Park season wraps up
Our 2024 Music in the Park season was another great success, with thousands attending over the course of the summer. Thank you to our Music in the Park sponsors, vendors, artists and fans for all your support. We are also grateful to Creative Okanagan, West Kelowna Recreation and Culture Staff, and the Province of B.C. We encourage fans to visit to share your ideas on how we can make the event even better for 2025.
Council recognizes West Kelowna recipients of King Charles III Coronation Medals
Council congratulated Gorman Group CEO Nick Arkle, Bylands Nurseries owner Maria Byland and development consultant Peter Wannop on receiving the King Charles III Coronation Medals for Community Service. Council also thanked the three for their many contributions to our community over the years, which have included Mr. Arkle’s support of the UBC Forestry Faculty, Ms. Byland’s dedication to the KGH Foundation, and Mr. Wannop’s involvement in Kinsmen, Kinsmen Park and Westside Daze.
Okanagan Regional District of Central Okanagan gives presentation on Curbside Food Waste Collection Engagement
Council received a presentation from the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) about the public consultation process for the proposed Curbside Food Waste Collection program, which included results from the engagement process, an overview of the preliminary service model and next steps. To see the full RDCO presentation, watch the Sept. 10 webcast.
Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 2355 Marshall Road
Council gave third reading to a proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment that, if adopted, would change the zoning at 2355 Marshall Road from Manufactured Home Park to Light Industrial. Prior to consideration of adoption, the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure must approve the proposed bylaw amendment. Adoption will be subject to the developer registering an environmental no build/no disturb covenant for the existing natural area located in the northeast corner of the property; registration of a covenant that includes preliminary design and cost estimates to secure land dedication as well as construction of a turnaround along Marshall Road, and road and watermain upgrades on Marshall and Stevens Roads.
2024 Transit Service Review Memorandum of Understanding
Council authorized the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with BC Transit for the proposed three-year Transit Improvement Plan for 2025-2028, which includes a financial commitment for year one expenditures. The MOU presents transit improvements that enhance service delivery within the City, including key improvements to the Highway 97 Rapid Bus route, which aligns with goals outlined in Council’s Strategic Priorities and Transit Master Plan. Council also directed staff to examine additional public consultation opportunities specific to West Kelowna regarding the proposed future transit improvements. For details, please refer to the Sept. 10 Report to Council.
Age-Friendly Communities 2024 grant application supported
Council directed staff to apply for the Age-Friendly Communities Grant Program, seeking the maximum contribution of up to $25,000. This funding will support a future City of West Kelowna Age-Friendly and Accessibility Active Transportation Audit. The purpose of the audit is to have a consultant evaluate the existing infrastructure supporting active transportation and connectivity in West Kelowna. The audit will also identify barriers that prevent older adults, particularly those with accessibility challenges, from safely and conveniently navigating our community. To learn more, read the Sept. 10 Report to Council.
Westbank Cemetery Update
Council received an information report from staff as part of the Westbank Cemetery Review. Staff will now proceed with next steps, which include continuing to review background information and conduct research, developing financing strategies, and bringing forward recommendations for Council’s consideration in the coming months. View Council’s discussion or read staff’s report at
Council approves budget amendments for required Dam Safety Review
Council amended the 2024 Budget to include an additional $100,000 to the 2024 Dam Safety Review project from Powers Creek ($50,000) and Rose Valley Water Reserves ($50,000) in order to award the Dam Safety Review project to the lowest bidder and highest scoring proponent. For details, please refer to the Sept. 10 Report to Council.