Here are some of the more notable discussions from the February 28 meeting of West Kelowna City Council.
Council receives fourth quarterly update
Council was provided with a fourth quarterly update outlining work done between October and December 2022 for City departments. Visit for the complete report.
Council gives third reading for 3858 Angus Drive
Following a Public Hearing, Council gave third reading to amend the Zoning Bylaw for 3858 Angus Drive to rezone the property for construction of a duplex. Council directed staff to schedule the bylaw for consideration of adoption following approval of the bylaw by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Streamlining Development Application Process Review
Council gave first, second, and third reading to the City of West Kelowna Development Applications Procedures Amendment Bylaw prompted by changes of the Province of B.C.’s Bill 26 to streamline certain development applications. Based on Bill 26, new public notification measures will be implemented recognizing that public hearings for zoning bylaw amendments consistent with Official Community Plan will no longer be required. At any point Council can recommend a public hearing be held based on submissions received at first reading. The public is encouraged to sign up for news and alerts through the City’s website at and select Get Involved to receive public notices.
Recreation and Culture Plan Update
A presentation was received by Council regarding the City’s Cultural Development Plan (2013) as background to receive feedback on the restart plan for 2023. Next steps will be to prioritize activities now and into the future to support the cultural vitality of our community. For more information visit
Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant project update
Council received an update on the City’s highest priority project, the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant (RVWTP), transmission mains construction and operational preparations for the watermain flushing program leading up to commissioning of the water treatment plant. The RVWTP is scheduled to be complete this fall. The schedule has been affected by the delay of equipment overseas related to COVID-19 supply chain disruptions, a shortage of skilled labour, and inflation levels not experienced since the 1980s. View the report and the latest video of the plant at or learn about the transmission mains construction at