City holds first socially distanced public hearing in keeping with COVID-19 guidelines
Council held its first Public Hearing during COVID-19 on May 26 to continue to allow the community to provide in-person feedback regarding a proposed multi-unit cannabis production facility in a light industrial complex at 2648 Kyle Road. The applicant requests zoning amendments that, if approved, would reduce the minimum required buffer between the operation and the Brookhaven Care Facility property from 150 meters down to 110m and permit cannabis production in a building with multiple occupancies. The City held the public hearing not to exceed 50 people at one time in keeping with provincial health guidelines for limited gathering sizes and social distancing. Forty-two people attended the public hearing, with the majority watching from Royal LePage Place. Three people addressed Council, with Mayor Milsom presiding in person and the rest of Council streaming in to permit safe social distancing given the size limitations of Council Chambers in the Mount Boucherie Community Center. The public hearing will reconvene in the same manner at 6 p.m. June 2.
Council approves development permit for 2411 Apollo Road
Council unanimously authorized a Development Permit to allow construction of a mixed commercial and residential building consisting of eight residential units and 110 square metres of commercial space at 2411 Apollo Road. Council agreed that the proposal was in keeping with the growth management plan for Westbank Centre, which calls for denser development containing a variety of uses that encourage and enable people to walk and use transit and live, shop, work and play within an urban neighbourhood.
Development variance permits more portables at Mt. Boucherie High School
Council unanimously approved a Development Variance Permit for Mount Boucherie Senior Secondary School (MBSS) at 2751 Cameron Road to reduce the number of required, off-street parking spaces from 20 to five to enable School District 23 (SD23) to install four additional portables. Council was pleased with the collaboration between the City and SD23 to work through parking allowances that accommodate the increased portables, which the school needs because of increased enrollment and requirements for smaller class sizes. Nearly 1,500 students attend MBSS, the City’s only high school. SD23 says a new Westside secondary school is the top priority and such a facility would eventually alleviate the need for portables at MBSS.
City resumes predominantly virtual Community Visioning initiative
Council supported resuming its community visioning initiative and scheduling events through predominately virtual methods in keeping with social distancing requirements. Prior to provincial health guidelines, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the City had hoped to attend various events in person to conduct surveys and collect community feedback to understand their vision for West Kelowna’s future. However, given the continuing social distancing requirements, gathering size limits and the cancelation of many community events, the City will provide more virtual input opportunities through social media, website, webinars, video conferences and other digital engagement platforms. The City of West Kelowna is now moving ahead with preparations including a project website, and more information on how to participate will soon be available at
Council adopts Fire Inspection Frequency Policy
The City of West Kelowna’s first Fire Inspection Frequency Policy establishes how often staff should inspect a variety of facilities in keeping with Office of the Fire Commissioner and BC Building Code requirements. Under the policy, most facilities – care centres, churches, civic buildings, daycares, gas stations, hotels, restaurants, schools, etc. – will require annual inspections, largely in keeping with National Fire Protection Association standards. Only construction sites will require inspections more frequently – once every 30 days. Garages, delis, cafes, and strata will require biannual inspections. The number of properties requiring inspection increases at about two per cent annually. In 2019, West Kelowna Fire Rescue (WKFR) staff conducted 1,038 inspections and 359 re-inspections, or 1,397 total site visits. WKFR, which serves the City of West Kelowna and Westbank First Nation, has a Fire Inspection Captain and a Fire Inspector who conduct two-thirds of all visits. Professional Firefighters assist with the remaining one-third in between emergency call outs and training.
City requires additional portables to accommodate staff
The City of West Kelowna is acquiring additional portables in order to adhere to the social distancing requirements at City Hall during COVID-19. Several city staff are working in office spaces set up on the concrete floor in Royal LePage Place arena and increased space is required to move staff back safely to city facilities. The City plans a gradual reopening of some programs and facilities in June, in keeping with WorkSafe BC and provincial health guidelines, with announcements to follow. Council unanimously supported the phased reopening plan and the addition of portables.