Mayor and Council are requesting your input on the City’s Draft 2020 Budget, 2020 to 2024 Financial Plan and planned improvements to Glenrosa Road from Glen Abbey Place to McGinnis Road.
Each year, Council engages you in the budget process and carefully considers your feedback in its deliberations before adopting the Financial Plan and Tax Rate Bylaws.
The proposed tax increase will be 4.8%, based on an average West Kelowna home valued at $642,582. The City needs the increase to maintain reserves, keep pace with inflation, address residents' requests for services and modernize infrastructure. The impact on your household budget is about $8 more per month for a wide range of city services including aquatic centre, arenas, bylaw compliance, fire/rescue, library, parks, policing, recreation, roads, transit, and more.
Council is providing a new approach to budget consultation this year by hosting separate open houses on various dates throughout the community. Please join us:
For more information, please visit
If you are interested in viewing designs and providing feedback for the planned upgrades to Glenrosa Road, please attend the February 5 open house, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Westbank Library Branch. Watch for your invitation to the Glenrosa Road Open House later this week. Sign up to receive our email updates at