Residents and businesses can add their voice to regional transportation planning initiatives by completing the Connecting our Region survey from May 1 - 21.
“We are looking for input on a variety of transportation projects, programs and policies across the Central Okanagan that aim to make regional travel more efficient and convenient,” said Rafael Villarreal, Manager, Integrated Transportation Department, City of Kelowna. “We encourage residents to share their transportation ideas for today and tomorrow as our region continues to grow.”
Results from this survey will feed into two major transportation planning initiatives that will help guide the future of transportation in the region: the Regional Transportation Plan and the Okanagan Gateway Transportation Study.
The Regional Transportation Plan will identify the regional transportation investments that will be needed over the next 20 years. It will be the Central Okanagan’s first region-wide transportation plan.
The Okanagan Gateway Transportation Study will define future projects, programs and policies that will improve connections to Kelowna International Airport and University of British Columbia Okanagan. It will support the vision of the airport, university and surrounding area as a growing, vibrant and connected hub that benefits the whole region.
“Transportation across the region is critical to our economic competitiveness, quality of life and the health of our environment,” said Villarreal. “The decisions we make today will significantly influence our future, including jobs, air quality, education, housing and social well-being.”
To access the survey and find more information about regional planning processes, visit