Penticton’s endurance sports season has shifted into high gear, with the Peach Classic Triathlon taking place on Sunday, followed by the Okanagan Granfondo next weekend.
The City is reminding drivers to watch for extra cyclists and pedestrians on the roadways. Athletes are here now training for both events, as well as upcoming races including IRONMAN Canada.
Peach Classic Triathlon (July 7)
This one-day event requires a road closure on Lakeshore Drive in the morning, with cyclists and runners sharing the road for the majority of the event between Penticton and Naramata. Cyclists will ride up Vancouver Hill and along Naramata Road, with the area cleared by 10:30 a.m. Runners will also be roadside and along the KVR trail. Drivers are advised to slow down, watch for flaggers and allow extra time.
Sections of Lakeshore Drive will be closed during the morning and will reopen in waves, with the latest section between Winnipeg and Martin open by 1 p.m. Access to Lakeside Resort and Pier Water Sports will be available from Main Street. For maps and further details about the closures, visit
The Peach Classic Triathlon, organized by the Penticton Triathlon Club, attracts some of the region’s top athletes and is said to be the longest-held triathlon event in B.C., with more details at
Okanagan Granfondo (July 13-14)
Thousands of riders will take to the roads throughout Penticton and the South Okanagan on Sunday, July 14, as part of the high-profile Okanagan Granfondo event. Also, the free kids’ Piccolofondo event will take place on Saturday, July 13, requiring a road closure along Lakeshore Drive.
The City is reminding residents to plan ahead for this major event, which will involve road closures, as well as opportunities to get involved and enjoy some free entertainment. For the latest updates and maps, visit
More events this week
Penticton Scottish Festival (July 5-6): Crowd favourites include Highland dancing, bagpiping, drumming and caber toss. Enjoy pipe band competitions, a beer garden and other live entertainment at Kings Park.
Okanagan Trestles Tour (Sunday, July 7): Anticipate extra cycling traffic along the KVR Trail during this cycling event, which finishes with a BBQ event at Penticton Lakeside Resort.
For City events information, visit