Development Permit with Variance
Council approved a Development Permit with Variance for a six-unit townhouse development in the Agricultural and Town Centre Development Permit Areas for the property at 10539 Powley Court. The application included variances to the front and side yard setbacks, landscaping standards, daylighting standards and drive aisle width.
Stormwater Management Policy and Regulation
Council adopted the Middle Creek Flood Hazard Risk Assessment which was 100% funded through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund program administered by the Union of BC Municipalities.
Council adopted the Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP) Phase 1, which identifies the potential stormwater management challenges which are likely to occur during or after future land use and/or climate changes.
Council gave three readings to the Subdivision and Development Servicing Amendment (Schedule M) Bylaw 1241, 2024 which addresses potential climate change and its implications on stormwater drainage systems, allowing a focus on risk management vs minimal performance.
Regional Transportation Planning | Regional Household Travel Survey
Council approved spending $14,900.00 from the Climate Action, Roads, and Transit Reserve to fund the District’s participation in the 2024 Regional Household Travel Survey being conducted by the Sustainable Transportation Partnership of the Central Okanagan (STPCO) under the smartTRIPS program. The 2024 Regional Household Travel Survey will help collect data on how the public moves around the region.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Hub - Adjusted Scope
Council approved spending an additional $390,000 from the Climate Action Reserve fund to adjust the scope. The adjusted scope will expand features at the EV Charging Area site at the north end of the Pelmewash Parkway.
For information.
Council adopted Road Closure Bylaw (11441 Okanagan Centre Road W) 1234, 2024.