Summerland Fire Department & RCMP Update – The Fire Department shared updates for the second quarter. The Fire Department has increased training events in this quarter to 178 to date, compared to 149 in 2023. Additionally, after two years of hard work and dedication the Fire Department has welcomed seven new recruits in achieving their Firefighting NFPA1001 Certification.
The local RCMP detachment indicated there has been a decrease in violent crime and property crime in line with the regional trend and the associated files received. The top five areas of focus are traffic enforcement, alarms (including false alarms), wellbeing checks, suspicious persons and disturbance of the peace.
2024 Disaster Resilience and Innovation Funding (DRIF) Grant Opportunities – The DRIF program provides funding to local governments to enhance their capacity to withstand and adapt to natural and climate-driven hazards. The program utilizes an expression of interest (EOI) process under two funding streams: stream 1 includes foundational and non-structural projects up to $400,000.00 and stream 2 includes structural projects up to $5,000,000.00. Council directed staff to submit EOIs for a total of five projects: Garnet Dam Safety Upgrades (Riprap and Spillway Widening (stream 1), Headwaters 1 Dam Safety Upgrades (stream 1), Climate Adaptation Plan (stream 1), Water Supply Intake and Conveyance Upgrades – Flume (stream 2), and Thirsk Crack Remediation and De-Icer System (stream 1). Should any of the project EOIs be successful, the District will be invited to submit a full proposal for that project(s).
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Grant (GIBC) Opportunity – A third intake with the GIBC program has been announced with an application opportunity between September 4, 2024, to October 16, 2024. The recreation centre remains at the end of its useful life with repairs and maintenance currently occurring. Other elements of the facility’s structure and operations are being examined with the intent of bringing a full picture to Council this fall in time for the budget discussions. Council considered all options carefully and directed staff to submit a medium retrofit grant application to the GIBC grant opportunity for a grant of up to 3 million dollars to retrofit the current aquatic facility. Staff will return to Council at a future date with the grant application prior to submitting to the funder.
Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) – The MRDT is an up-to 3% tax applied to accommodation sales in participating areas of British Columbia. This tax raises revenue for local tourism marketing, programs and projects. Staff requested Council direction on the MRDT in order to proceed with next steps including preparing an application and engaging key stakeholders. Council directed staff to proceed with an application to the MRDT program for a 3% tax value with the revenue being directed towards tourism-related purposes. Next steps include staff preparing the application and conduct the required engagement with tourism industry stakeholders to inform them of the District’s intentions.
13211 Henry Ave, Box 159
Summerland BC V0H 1Z0
Tel: 250-494-6451 Fax: 250-494-1415
Delegation – Summerland Fall Fair Society – Representatives from the Summerland Fall Fair Society gave Council an update on their activities planned for the upcoming Summerland Fall Fair taking place September 13 – 15, 2024 and invited Council to the array of events taking place over the weekend. Additionally, the Society expressed their appreciation for Council’s Grant in Aid contribution to the event.
Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw No. 2024-025 and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2024-026 – 13501 Denike Street/Eco-Village – Council adopted the Eco Village OCP Bylaw and Zoning Amendment Bylaw. The proposal is on District-owned lands located for the purposes of allowing for an environmentally sensitive residential development that can accommodate a mix of housing types in a compact development style. This is in line with Council’s Strategic Priorities to build an adaptable and affordable community. The intent is to target land sale in fall of 2024.
Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2024-031 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2024-032 (13610 & 13606 Banks Crescent) – Staff presented to Council an application that seeks OCP and Zoning amendments to enable residential development of ninety-two (92) townhomes contained within two, three and four-unit townhome buildings located at 13610 & 13606 Banks Crescent. This site is noted for having geotechnical conditions (topography and steep slopes), presence of environmental and cultural values, constrained access to portions of the site, and other general site servicing considerations. After careful consideration, Council provided first reading to the required bylaw(s) and requested that additional information be received, including an archaeological impact assessment and a traditional ecological knowledge assessment, prior to consideration of advancing the proposed development to the next stages.