Nothing puts a strain on the holidays quite like a backed-up drain. To keep your pipes flowing smoothly during all your parties and dinners this holiday season, be sure you’re disposing of fats, oils and grease (FOG) properly.
Cooking fats and grease being poured down drains is the number one cause of sewer blockages and back-ups in our city. Not only does this wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing but FOG also creates serious issues for the City’s wastewater collection system by clogging up pipes and clinging to equipment in sewer lift systems.
To avoid FOG clogs this holiday season, and year-round, keep fats, oils and grease out of the sink. Instead, empty cooled cooking grease into a sealable container with a lid. Once the container is full, seal it up and toss it in the trash. Also be sure to keep other solids and food scraps out of your pipes by placing a strainer or basket over your drain. What goes down, might come back up!
If you would like a free disposal container, biodegradable cups are available for pick-up in the lobby of City Hall, at 1435 Water Street during operating hours through the first week of January.
For more information, visit