Fawning season occurs from mid-May to June, and during this time you may encounter an aggressive doe or discover a fawn in your yard.
If you see a fawn on its own, please leave it alone. Babies spend the first 3-4 weeks hiding before they start to follow their mothers. Mothers will often leave their babies for several hours at a time while they forage for food, but they do check back throughout the day to nurse and to check the fawn’s safety.
It is important for pet owners to keep dogs on leash during this time. Does may see pets as predators or threats to their newborns since dogs resemble the natural predators of fawns in the wild. If a dog comes too close, the doe may become aggressive and charge at the dog.
If you are concerned for your safety or have sighted deer in your neighbourhood that are no longer afraid of people or pets please report them to the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277.
For more tips about living with wildlife in the city, visit www.penticton.ca/wildlife