Construction will begin on Middle Bench Road starting Monday, July 8, to install new sidewalks, raised crosswalks and other safety measures outside Uplands Elementary school.
In order to safely complete this work, Middle Bench Road will be closed to through traffic on weekdays from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m., open only to local residents and those who need to access the school. Please note that the school parking lot access will only be available from the south end, off Johnson Road.
Drivers are reminded to avoid the area and to watch for posted detours. Construction is anticipated to take roughly a month.
The City has been working closely with the school on this project as part of its ‘Safe Routes to School’ initiative. The safety improvements include installing sidewalks on both sides of the road, raised crosswalks and curbs. In addition, the City will add storm infrastructure to prevent future flooding.
The ’Safe Routes to School’ study process involved working with the school district, staff, parent advisory committees and the greater school communities to learn more about how children are travelling to school – and how to create more opportunities to encourage active transportation. Next, the City will conduct studies at Columbia and the future Skaha Elementary.
This work aligns with goals identified in the City’s Transportation Master Plan, which seeks to create a safe transportation system that supports all ages, abilities and modes of transportation.