Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair
Loyal Wooldridge, City of Kelowna Councillor, was elected as the Chair and Blair Ireland, Mayor of Lake Country, was elected as the Vice-Chair of the Regional Board. The election for Chair and Vice-Chair is held annually at the first meeting in November.
Electoral Area Interim Housing Needs Report
Staff presented the 2024 Interim Housing Needs Report to the Regional Board. According to the prescribed Housing Needs Report Method, 1,004 additional housing units will be required in Electoral Area West and 1,245 housing units will be required in Electoral Area East within the next 20-years. Interim Housing Needs Reports must be completed by all local governments no later than January 1, 2025.
Official Community Plan (OCP) Updates for the Electoral Areas
The Regional Board directed staff to develop one updated OCP per Electoral Area, replacing the existing four OCPs and Joe Rich Rural Land Use Bylaw (RLUB). An OCP looks at updated population and employment projections, corresponding housing and infrastructure needs, environmental considerations and community values to establish future land use designations, development permit areas and a broad growth management policy framework. The approach of one OCP per Electoral Area is cost-effective, respects community uniqueness and will facilitate efficient development application review in the Electoral Areas.
Notice on Title – 6100 Beau Park Road
The Regional Board directed staff to proceed with the filing of a Notice on Title for 6100 Beau Park Road, due to ongoing non-compliance with RDCO Building Bylaw No. 1482. The Notice on Title serves as notification to anyone searching a property title that the property may be in breach of bylaws or regulations. The filing of a Notice is not intended to be a punitive action; rather, it is a method to protect future owners and others with an interest in the property.
Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw – Amendments to Appendix 11
The Regional Board approved housekeeping updates to Appendix 11 of the RDCO’s Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw and Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw, to ensure that clauses of the Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw are correctly referenced.
2024 Solid Waste Management update
The Regional Board received an update on progress made for the RDCO’s Solid Waste Management Plan. The RDCO must renew its solid waste management plan by December 31, 2030. Given the progress on current initiatives, it is recommended that the RDCO update the plan after implementing curbside food waste collection.
Curbside Food Waste final engagement and next steps
The Regional Board received an update on the public engagement results for a curbside food waste program. Results demonstrate that 76% of respondents were in support of a curbside food waste program and 49% are willing to pay at least $66/year for such a program. The top concerns identified include scheduling, wildlife issues and costs. The Board directed staff to continue to investigate work on the Curbside Food Waste Program to seek formal participation from all municipal councils by July 31, 2025.
North Westside Regional Water System Project Plan update
Staff presented the Regional Board with the project plan for the North Westside Regional Water System in advance of work beginning in 2025. The project plan includes obtaining advanced regulatory approvals, securing land interests, completing field investigations and then proceeding to detailed design. Project plan items in 2025/2026 will progress the project towards a ‘construction ready’ status, in anticipation of future grant opportunities. Grants will be strategically applied for, with the goal to source two-thirds or more of construction costs via grants to limit financial impacts on North Westside water users.
Dietrich Water System Fees and Charges Amendment 2024
The Regional Board endorsed increasing fees to cover expenses for the Dietrich Water System and directed staff to inform users of the Dietrich Water System of their costs and responsibilities should those users express interest in pursuing alternative drinking water services.
2025 Regional Board and Committee Meeting Schedule
The Regional Board approved the 2025 Meeting Schedule for all Regional Board and committee meetings.
Regional Board meetings
Regional District office – 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna (Woodhaven Boardroom)
A live stream video link will be available for each meeting in the Upcoming Meeting agenda section of rdco.com/agenda. When available, a link to the Video recording will be posted in the Past Meetings section for the individual meeting date.