The City of Kelowna has recently acquired a 1.94-acre property located at 1910-1960 Dayton Street to extend Sutherland Avenue from Dickson Avenue to Dayton Street and create a future park space. “This acquisition is a great opportunity for the City to advance public amenities to support a densifying neighbourhood and ensure it will become a vibrant and livable hub for residents and workers,” said Derek Edstrom, Divisional Director of Partnerships and Investments. “The future extension of Sutherland Avenue and creation of a new park, will provide capital infrastructure to enhance the connectivity, mobility, and livability of this area, while also protecting and restoring a valuable greenspace.”
The City strategically acquires land to provide infrastructure and amenities that improve the quality of life for residents. The parcel of land acquired at 1910-1960 Dayton Street will enable the City to further key infrastructure improvements within the Capri-Landmark Urban Centre in the future. Until then, the City will work closely with current tenants to maintain leases and rent agreements.
The future park is intended to be the principal greenspace within the Landmark District’s highly urbanized setting which would provide opportunities for passive and active recreation. The long-term extension of Sutherland Avenue (Gordon Dr to Spall Rd) will provide new protected cycling lanes, transit access, and wide sidewalks for people living and working in the area. The extension will also enhance access to the surrounding major road network. A portion of the property also contains a creek named ‘Ritchie Brook’ which currently flows through the property underground. One of the key considerations of the Capri-Landmark Urban Centre plan is to transform this creek into a natural asset by ‘daylighting’ the creek.
The $12.3M purchase of this 1.94-acre property was funded from the Transportation and Park Acquisition DCC capital budgets. Neighbourhood plans are created in alignment with the Official Community Plan, to guide redevelopment over time, identifying the locations of parks and public spaces, development standards, and transportation solutions. The Capri-Landmark Urban Centre Plan was endorsed in 2019 and with a strong plan in place, each re-development proposal can be leveraged as an opportunity to invest in the area in a way that moves the community closer to the plan's vision.