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Council meetings are livestreamed at and archived within one business day. To view the Oct. 22 webcast archive, please visit
Council congratulates local winner of provincial Indigenous Business Award
Council congratulated West Kelowna’s Rad Relish on winning the Business of the Year Award, in the One to Two Person Enterprise Category, on Oct. 7, from the BC Achievement Foundation, which celebrates the exceptional achievements of Indigenous businesses. Rad Relish, which is owned by Councillor Garrett Millsap and his family, is produced using his grandmother’s special recipe and locally grown ingredients.
Pictured Above: Mayor and Council congratulated Councillor Garrett Millsap, shown centre-right, whose company was named Business of the Year. Also in the photo, from left to right are Councillors Jason Friesen and Tasha Da Silva, Mayor Gord Milsom and Councillor Rick de Jong.
Rose Valley Reservoir update provided
Manganese levels in Rose Valley Reservoir have continued to decrease, and water from the reservoir no longer needs to be pre-treated with chlorine before entering Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant. Concerns of discoloration, odor and taste have since significantly decreased. Council thanks water experts and staff who have been working diligently with increased testing, monitoring and treatment as the source water in the reservoir fluctuates. Council also thanked water users for their patience and for directly contacting the City’s Utilities Department so staff can address any concerns.
Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant Project wins Public Service Association of BC award
Council announced that the Public Works Association of British Columbia has given its Project of the Year Award to the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant and Transmission Mains for innovative design, unique features, complexity and significance to our community. Council said the award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the City’s team and the collaborative efforts of everyone involved in the design, construction and commissioning and thanked them for delivering a state-of-the-art facility.
Indigenous Veterans Day recognized
November 8 is Indigenous Veterans Day to remember the sacrifices and honour the service of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples and their long and proud tradition of military service to Canada. To learn more, please visit Veteran Affairs Canada’s dedicated webpage.
Council invites community to buy poppy and attend annual Remembrance Day service
Council invited the community to attend the Royal Canadian Legion’s Remembrance Day ceremonies on Monday, Nov. 11, from 10:45 a.m. to noon, at Royal LePage Place. Those wishing to attend the Honour Parade should arrive by 10:00 a.m. For more information, please visit the City’s website at Council also encouraged the community to support Canada’s veterans by purchasing a poppy at various locations, including City Hall, starting Oct. 25.
Pictured Above: Phil Hartman with the Royal Canadian Legion presents Mayor Gord Milsom with a poppy prior to the start of their 2024 campaign.
Happy Halloween
Council wished everyone fun and safe celebrations and festivities on Thursday, Oct. 31 and encouraged the community to check out the West Kelowna Fall Recreation Guide for exciting seasonal activities at
Fire Hall #32 Replacement Project update provided
During the last quarter, the Fire Hall #32 Replacement Project became visibly apparent, with exterior precast walls erected, interior precast walls and stairwells completed, and the overall structure taking shape. This has increased community excitement with on-site staff reporting positive comments from passersby. To avoid future cost increases, equipment has been ordered for the playground for the adjacent park, and a West Kelowna Professional Firefighters Association donation has allowed for an enhancement of the play area. For more details, please read the Report to Council.
Council receives Third Quarter Update
Staff provided updates on operations and progress made in advancing Council’s Strategic Priorities during the third quarter, ending Sept. 30. Find the various reports via the Oct. 22 Agenda.
Permissive Tax Exemptions adopted
Council adopted a bylaw to exempt specified, eligible properties from 2025 local government taxes. The Report to Council, the public notice, and the associated bylaw provide full details.
Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan public consultation period launched
West Kelowna Fire Rescue Chief Jason Brolund provided Council with an update on the Draft Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP). A public consultation period will occur from Oct. 23 to Nov. 4, and include a public open house on Oct. 30, from 4 to 7 p.m. at City Hall. The 2024 CWRP builds on the 2018 Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan’s recommendations, incorporates progress and experience in wildfire mitigation, operations, response and recovery, and provides an assessment of our community’s risks and needs. Learn more and provide your input at
Regional Indigenous Learning Program grant application supported
Council supported the Regional District of Central Okanagan’s grant application to the provincial Community Emergency Preparedness Fund’s Indigenous Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility Training Stream on behalf of local governments in the region. If successful, the pooled grant funds would support the training of regional Emergency Operations Centre staff to enhance cultural safety and humility in the delivery of local emergency management programs and services.